Adding Primitives

The MLBlocks library is only the engine and it has no use without primitives, so here we explain how to add new primitives for MLBlocks.


MLBlocks has a related project, MLPrimitives, which already includes a huge list of integrated primitives, so the easiest and recommended way to add primitives for MLBlocks is to install MLPrimitives.

This can be achieved by running the commands:

pip install mlprimitives

For further details, please refer to the MLPrimitives Documentation.

Writing Primitives

Sometimes you will find that you want to use a primitive that is not in the list of MLPrimitives integrated primitives, so you will have to integrate the primitive yourself by writing the corresponding JSON annotation.


If you create new primitives for MLBlocks, please consider contributing them to the MLPrimitives project!

The first thing to do when adding a new primitive is making sure that it complies with the necessary requirements, which depend on whether the primitive is a function or a class.

For Function Primitives, the only requirement is that they have to be a single function. Calling multiple functions sequentially as part of a single primitive is not supported, and in order to achieve this you are expected to write a separated primitive for each function.

For Class Primitives, just like the function primitives, the fit and produce phases must consist of a single method each. Calling multiple methods sequentially within a single primitive is not supported either.

Class Primitives also need to be able to be instantiated at once. Running setup or compiling calls after the instance creation is not possible.

Primitives Lookup

Once you have written the JSON annotation for your primitive, you will need to put in it in a place known to MLBlocks.

MLBlocks looks for primitives in the following folders, in this order:

  1. Any folder specified by the user, starting by the latest one.

  2. A folder named mlblocks_primitives or mlprimitives in the current working directory.

  3. A folder named mlblocks_primitives or mlprimitives in the system prefix.

The list of folders where MLBlocks will search for primitives can be seen at any time by calling the method mlblocks.get_primitives_paths.

Adding a Primitives Folder

The simplest option in order to quickly add new primitives is to put their JSON annotations in a folder called mlblocks_primitives in the root of your project, or in your current working directory.

However, sometimes you will want to add a custom directory.

This can be easily done by using the mlblocks.add_primitives_path method.

Developing a Primitives Library

Another option to add multiple libraries is creating a primitives library, such as MLPrimitives.

In order to make MLBLocks able to find the primitives defined in such a library, all you need to do is setting up an Entry Point in your script with the following specification:

  1. It has to be published under the group mlblocks.

  2. It has to be named exactly primitives.

  3. It has to point at a variable that contains a path or a list of paths to the JSONS folder(s).

An example of such an entry point would be:

entry_points = {
    'mlblocks': [

where the module some_module contains a variable such as:

SOME_VARIABLE = 'path/to/primitives'

