Source code for mlprimitives.adapters.pandas

import warnings

from mlprimitives.utils import import_object


[docs]def resample(df, rule, on=None, groupby=(), aggregation='mean', reset_index=True, time_index=None): """pd.DataFrame.resample adapter. Call the `df.resample` method on the given time_index and afterwards call the indicated aggregation. Optionally group the dataframe by the indicated columns before performing the resampling. If groupby option is used, the result is a multi-index datagrame. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame to resample. rule (str or int): The offset string or object representing target conversion or an integer value that will be interpreted as the number of seconds. on (str or None): Name of the column to use as the time index. If ``None`` is given, the DataFrame index is used. groupby (list): Optional list of columns to group by. aggregation (callable or str): Function or name of the function to use for the aggregation. If a name is given, it can either be one of the standard pandas aggregation functions or the fully qualified name of a python function that will be imported and used. reset_index (bool): Whether to reset the index after aggregating time_index (str or None): Deprecated: This has been renamed to `on`. Name of the column to use as the time index. If ``None`` is given, the DataFrame is index is used. Returns: pandas.Dataframe: resampled dataframe """ if on is None and time_index is not None: message = ( 'resample `time_series` argument deprecated and will be removed' ' in future versions of MLPrimitives. Please use `on` instead.' ) warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) on = time_index if groupby: df = df.groupby(groupby) if isinstance(rule, int): rule = '{}s'.format(rule) dtir = df.resample(rule, on=on) if not callable(aggregation) and aggregation not in _RESAMPLE_AGGS: try: aggregation = import_object(aggregation) except (AttributeError, ImportError, ValueError): pass df = dtir.aggregate(aggregation) for name in df.index.names: if name in df: del df[name] if reset_index: df.reset_index(inplace=True) return df
def _join_names(names): """Join the names of a multi-level index with an underscore.""" levels = (str(name) for name in names if name != '') return '_'.join(levels)
[docs]def unstack(df, level=-1, reset_index=True): """pd.DataFrame.unstack adapter. Call the `df.unstack` method using the indicated level and afterwards join the column names using an underscore. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame to unstack. level (str, int or list): Level(s) of index to unstack, can pass level name reset_index (bool): Whether to reset the index after unstacking Returns: pandas.Dataframe: unstacked dataframe """ df = df.unstack(level=level) if reset_index: df = df.reset_index() df.columns = return df