"""Cardea Core module. This module defines the Cardea Class, which is responsible for the tying all components together, as well as the interact with them. """ import logging import os import pickle from inspect import isclass from io import BytesIO from urllib.request import urlopen from zipfile import ZipFile import featuretools as ft import pandas as pd import cardea from cardea.data_loader import EntitySetLoader, load_mimic_data from cardea.featurization import Featurization from cardea.modeling import Modeler from cardea.problem_definition import ( DiagnosisPrediction, LengthOfStay, MissedAppointment, MortalityPrediction, ProlongedLengthOfStay, Readmission) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATA_PATH = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'data' ) BUCKET = 'cardea' S3_URL = 'https://{}{}' [docs]class Cardea(): """An interface class that ties the end-to-end system together. Args: es_loader (EntitySetLoader): An entityset loader. featurization (Featurization): A featurization class. modeler (Modeler): A modeling class. problems (list): A list of currently available prediction problems. chosen_problem (str): The selected prediction problem or regression. es (featuretools.EntitySet): The loaded entityset. target_entity (str): The target entity for featurization. """ [docs] def __init__(self): self.es_loader = EntitySetLoader() self.featurization = Featurization() = None self.chosen_problem = None self.target_entity = None self.modeler = None [docs] def load_entityset(self, data, fhir=True): """Returns an entityset loaded with .csv files in data. Load the given dataset into an entityset. The dataset must be in FHIR or MIMIC structure format. Args: data (str): A directory of all .csv files that should be loaded. To load demo dataset, pass the name of the dataset "kaggle" or "mimic". fhir (bool): An indicator of whether to use FHIR or MIMIC schema. Returns: featuretools.EntitySet: An entityset with loaded data. """ demo = ['kaggle', 'mimic'] if not os.path.exists(data) and data in demo: data = self.download_demo(data) if fhir: = self.es_loader.load_data_entityset(data) else: = load_mimic_data(data) @staticmethod def download_demo(name, data_path=DATA_PATH): data_path = os.path.join(data_path, name) os.makedirs(data_path, exist_ok=True) url = S3_URL.format(BUCKET, '{}.zip'.format(name)) compressed = ZipFile(BytesIO(urlopen(url).read()))'Downloading dataset %s from %s', name, url) for file in compressed.namelist(): filename = os.path.join(data_path, file) csv_file = data = pd.read_csv(csv_file, dtype=str) data.to_csv(filename, index=False) return data_path [docs] def list_problems(self): """Returns a list of the currently available problems. Returns: list: A list of the available problems. """ problems = set([]) for attribute_string in dir(cardea.problem_definition): attribute = getattr(cardea.problem_definition, attribute_string) if isclass(attribute): if attribute.__name__ and attribute.__name__ != 'ProblemDefinition': problems.add(attribute.__name__) return problems [docs] def select_problem(self, selection, parameter=None): """Select a prediction problem and extract information. Update the select_problem attribute and generate the cutoff times, the target entity and update the entityset. Args: selection (str): Name of the chosen prediction problem. parameters (dict): Variables to change the default parameters, if any. Returns: featuretools.EntitySet, str, pandas.DataFrame: * An updated EntitySet if a new column is generated. * A string indicating the selected target entity. * A dataframe of cutoff times and their target labels. """"Selecting %s prediction problem", selection) # problem selection if selection == 'LengthOfStay': self.chosen_problem = LengthOfStay() elif selection == 'MortalityPrediction': self.chosen_problem = MortalityPrediction() elif selection == 'MissedAppointment': self.chosen_problem = MissedAppointment() elif selection == 'ProlongedLengthOfStay' and parameter: self.chosen_problem = ProlongedLengthOfStay(parameter) elif selection == 'ProlongedLengthOfStay': self.chosen_problem = ProlongedLengthOfStay() elif selection == 'Readmission' and parameter: self.chosen_problem = Readmission(parameter) elif selection == 'Readmission': self.chosen_problem = Readmission() elif selection == 'DiagnosisPrediction' and parameter: self.chosen_problem = DiagnosisPrediction(parameter) elif selection == 'DiagnosisPrediction': raise ValueError('unspecified diagnosis code') else: raise ValueError('{} is not a defined problem'.format(selection)) # target label calculation, self.target_entity, cutoff = self.chosen_problem.generate_cutoff_times( # set default pipeline if self.chosen_problem.prediction_type == "classification": pipeline = "Random Forest" else: pipeline = "Random Forest Regressor" self.modeler = Modeler(pipeline, self.chosen_problem.prediction_type) return cutoff [docs] def list_feature_primitives(self): """Returns built-in primitive in Featuretools. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A dataframe that lists and describes each built-in primitives. """ return ft.list_primitives() [docs] def generate_features(self, cutoff): """Returns a the calculated feature matrix. Args: es (featuretools.EntitySet): An entityset that holds data. cutoff (pandas.DataFrame): A dataframe that indicates cutoff time for each instance. Returns: pandas.DataFrame, list: * The generated feature matrix. * List of feature definitions in the feature matrix. """ fm_encoded, _ = self.featurization.generate_feature_matrix(, self.target_entity, cutoff) fm_encoded = fm_encoded.reset_index(drop=True) return fm_encoded [docs] def select_pipeline(self, pipeline): """Select a pipeline. Args: pipeline (MLPipeline or str): A pipeline instance or the name/path of a pipeline. """"Selecting %s pipeline", pipeline) self.modeler = Modeler(pipeline, self.chosen_problem.prediction_type) [docs] def train_test_split(self, X, y, test_size, shuffle): """Split the training dataset and the testing dataset. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame or ndarray): Inputs to the pipeline. y (pandas.Series or ndarray): Target values. test_size (float): The proportion of the dataset to include in the test dataset. shuffle (bool): Whether or not to shuffle the data before splitting. Returns: list: List containing the train-test split of the inputs and targets. """ return self.modeler.train_test_split(X, y, test_size, shuffle) [docs] def fit(self, X, y, tune=False, max_evals=10, scoring=None, verbose=False): """Train the cardea pipeline. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame or ndarray): Inputs to the pipeline. y (pandas.Series ndarray): Target values. tune (bool): Whether to optimize hyper-parameters of the pipelines. max_evals (int): Maximum number of hyper-parameter optimization iterations. scoring (str): The name of the scoring function used in the hyper-parameter optimization. verbose (bool): Whether to log information during processing. """, y, tune, max_evals, scoring, verbose) [docs] def predict(self, X): """Get predictions from the cardea pipeline. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame or ndarray): Inputs to the pipeline. Returns: ndarray: Predictions to the input data. """ return self.modeler.predict(X) [docs] def fit_predict(self, X, y, tune=False, max_evals=10, scoring=None, verbose=False): """Train a cardea pipeline then make predictions. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame or ndarray): Inputs to the pipeline. y (pandas.Series or ndarray): Target values. tune (bool): Whether to optimize hyper-parameters of the pipelines. max_evals (int): Maximum number of hyper-parameter optimization iterations. scoring (str): The name of the scoring function used in the hyper-parameter optimization. verbose (bool): Whether to log information during processing. Returns: ndarray: Predictions to the input data. """ return self.modeler.fit_predict(X, y, tune, max_evals, scoring, verbose) [docs] def evaluate(self, X, y, test_size=0.2, shuffle=True, tune=False, max_evals=10, scoring=None, metrics=None, verbose=False): """Evaluate the cardea pipeline. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame or ndarray): Inputs to the pipeline. y (pandas.Series or ndarray): Target values. test_size (float): The proportion of the dataset to include in the test dataset. shuffle (bool): Whether or not to shuffle the data before splitting. tune (bool): Whether to optimize hyper-parameters of the pipelines. max_evals (int): Maximum number of hyper-parameter optimization iterations. scoring (str): The name of the scoring function used in the hyper-parameter optimization. metrics (list): A list of scoring function names. The scoring functions should be consistent with the problem type. verbose (bool): Whether to log information during processing. """ return self.modeler.evaluate( X, y, test_size, shuffle, tune, max_evals, scoring, metrics, verbose) [docs] def save(self, path): """Save this object using pickle. Args: path (str): Path to the file where the serialization of this object will be stored. """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(self, pickle_file) [docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path: str): """Load an Orion instance from a pickle file. Args: path (str): Path to the file where the instance has been previously serialized. Returns: Cardea: A Cardea instance Raises: ValueError: If the serialized object is not an Cardea instance. """ with open(path, 'rb') as pickle_file: cardea = pickle.load(pickle_file) if not isinstance(cardea, cls): raise ValueError('Serialized object is not a Cardea instance') return cardea