Contributing Guidelines

Ready to contribute with your own code? Great!

Before diving deeper into the contributing guidelines, please make sure to having read the Basic Concepts section and to have installed the project and its development dependencies.

Afterwards, please make sure to read the following contributing guidelines carefully, and later on head to the step-by-step guides for each possible type of contribution.

General Coding Guidelines

Once you have set up your development environment, you are ready to start working on your python code.

When doing so, make sure to follow these guidelines:

  1. If it does not exist yet, create a new GitHub issue requesting the new primitive. As indicated previously, provide as many details as possible about the new primitive, like links to the documentation, what it does and what it is useful for.

  2. Indicate in the issue description or in a comment that you are available to apply the changes yourself.

  3. Wait for the feedback from the maintainers, who will approve the issue and assign it to you, before proceeding to implement any changes. Be open to discuss with them about the need of adding this primitive, as maybe there are other primitive that offer the same functionality, and about the best approach to add it.

  4. Once the issue has been approved and assigned to you, implement the necessary changes in your own fork of the project. Please implement them in a branch named after the issue number and title, as this makes keeping track of the history of the project easier in the long run.

    You can create such a branch with the following command:

    $ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
  5. While hacking your changes, make sure to cover all your developments with the required unit tests, and that none of the old tests fail as a consequence of your changes. For this, make sure to run the tests suite and check the code coverage:

    $ make test       # Run the tests
    $ make coverage   # Get the coverage report
  6. If you are developing new primitives that can work as part of a Pipeline, please also add a demo pipeline inside the mlprimitives/pipelines folder and validate that it is running properly with the command:

    $ mlprimitives test mlprimitives/pipelines/the_file_of_your_pipeline.json
  7. When you’re done making changes, check that your changes pass flake8 and the tests, including testing other Python versions with tox:

    $ make lint       # Check code styling
    $ make test-all   # Execute tests on all python versions
  8. Make also sure to include the necessary documentation in the code as docstrings following the google docstring style. If you want to view how your documentation will look like when it is published, you can generate and view the docs with this command:

    $ make viewdocs
  9. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."
    $ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
  10. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website and wait for feedback from the maintainers.

Unit Testing Guidelines

If you are going to contribute Python code, we will ask you to write unit tests that cover your development, following these requirements:

  1. Unit Tests should be based only in unittest and pytest modules.

  2. The tests that cover a module called mlprimitives/path/to/ should be implemented in a separated module called tests/mlprimitives/path/to/ Note that the module name has the test_ prefix and is located in a path similar to the one of the tested module, just inside the tests folder.

  3. Each method of the tested module should have at least one associated test method, and each test method should cover only one use case or scenario.

  4. Test case methods should start with the test_ prefix and have descriptive names that indicate which scenario they cover. Names such as test_some_methed_input_none, test_some_method_value_error or test_some_method_timeout are right, but names like test_some_method_1, some_method or test_error are not.

  5. Each test should validate only what the code of the method being tested does, and not cover the behavior of any third party package or tool being used, which is assumed to work properly as far as it is being passed the right values.

  6. Any third party tool that may have any kind of random behavior, such as some Machine Learning models, databases or Web APIs, will be mocked using the mock library, and the only thing that will be tested is that our code passes the right values to them.

  7. Unit tests should not use anything from outside the test and the code being tested. This includes not reading or writing to any file system or database, which will be properly mocked.