Source code for mlblocks.discovery

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Primitives and Pipelines discovery module.

This module contains functions to load primitive and pipeline
annotations, as well as to configure how MLBlocks finds the
primitives and pipelines.

import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys

import pkg_resources

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'mlprimitives'),
    os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'mlprimitives'),
    os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'mlblocks_primitives'),    # legacy
    os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'mlblocks_primitives'),    # legacy

    os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'mlpipelines'),

def _add_lookup_path(path, paths):
    """Add a new path to lookup.

    The new path will be inserted in the first place of the list,
    so any element found in this new folder will take precedence
    over any other element with the same name that existed in the
    system before.

        path (str):
            path to add
        paths (list):
            list where the new path will be added.

            A ``ValueError`` will be raised if the path is not valid.

            Whether the new path was added or not.
    if path not in paths:
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            raise ValueError('Invalid path: {}'.format(path))

        paths.insert(0, os.path.abspath(path))
        return True

    return False

[docs]def add_primitives_path(path): """Add a new path to look for primitives. The new path will be inserted in the first place of the list, so any primitive found in this new folder will take precedence over any other primitive with the same name that existed in the system before. Args: path (str): path to add Raises: ValueError: A ``ValueError`` will be raised if the path is not valid. """ added = _add_lookup_path(path, _PRIMITIVES_PATHS) if added: LOGGER.debug('New primitives path added: %s', path)
[docs]def add_pipelines_path(path): """Add a new path to look for pipelines. The new path will be inserted in the first place of the list, so any primitive found in this new folder will take precedence over any other pipeline with the same name that existed in the system before. Args: path (str): path to add Raises: ValueError: A ``ValueError`` will be raised if the path is not valid. """ added = _add_lookup_path(path, _PIPELINES_PATHS) if added: LOGGER.debug('New pipelines path added: %s', path)
def _load_entry_points(entry_point_name, entry_point_group='mlblocks'): """Get a list of folders from entry points. This list will include the value of any entry point named after the given ``entry_point_name`` published under the given ``entry_point_group``. An example of such an entry point would be:: entry_points = { 'mlblocks': [ 'primitives=some_module:SOME_VARIABLE' ] } where the module ``some_module`` contains a variable such as:: SOME_VARIABLE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'jsons') Args: entry_point: The name of the ``entry_point`` to look for. Returns: list: The list of folders. """ lookup_paths = list() entry_points = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(entry_point_group) for entry_point in entry_points: if == entry_point_name: paths = entry_point.load() if isinstance(paths, str): lookup_paths.append(paths) elif isinstance(paths, (list, tuple)): lookup_paths.extend(paths) return lookup_paths
[docs]def get_primitives_paths(): """Get the list of folders where primitives will be looked for. This list will include the values of all the entry points named ``primitives`` published under the entry point group ``mlblocks``. Also, for backwards compatibility reasons, the paths from the entry points named ``jsons_path`` published under the ``mlprimitives`` group will also be included. An example of such an entry point would be:: entry_points = { 'mlblocks': [ 'primitives=some_module:SOME_VARIABLE' ] } where the module ``some_module`` contains a variable such as:: SOME_VARIABLE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'jsons') Returns: list: The list of folders. """ paths = _load_entry_points('primitives') + _load_entry_points('jsons_path', 'mlprimitives') return _PRIMITIVES_PATHS + list(set(paths))
[docs]def get_pipelines_paths(): """Get the list of folders where pipelines will be looked for. This list will include the values of all the entry points named ``pipelines`` published under the entry point group ``mlblocks``. An example of such an entry point would be:: entry_points = { 'mlblocks': [ 'pipelines=some_module:SOME_VARIABLE' ] } where the module ``some_module`` contains a variable such as:: SOME_VARIABLE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'jsons') Returns: list: The list of folders. """ return _PIPELINES_PATHS + _load_entry_points('pipelines')
def _load_json(json_path): with open(json_path, 'r') as json_file: LOGGER.debug('Loading %s', json_path) return json.load(json_file) def _load(name, paths): """Locate and load the JSON annotation in any of the given paths. All the given paths will be scanned to find a JSON file with the given name, and as soon as a JSON with the given name is found it is returned. Args: name (str): Path to a JSON file or name of the JSON to look for withouth the ``.json`` extension. paths (list): list of paths where the primitives will be looked for. Returns: dict: The content of the JSON annotation file loaded into a dict. """ if os.path.isfile(name): return _load_json(name) for base_path in paths: parts = name.split('.') number_of_parts = len(parts) for folder_parts in range(number_of_parts): folder = os.path.join(base_path, *parts[:folder_parts]) filename = '.'.join(parts[folder_parts:]) + '.json' json_path = os.path.join(folder, filename) if os.path.isfile(json_path): return _load_json(json_path)
[docs]def load_primitive(name): """Locate and load the primitive JSON annotation. All the primitive paths will be scanned to find a JSON file with the given name, and as soon as a JSON with the given name is found it is returned. Args: name (str): Path to a JSON file or name of the JSON to look for withouth the ``.json`` extension. Returns: dict: The content of the JSON annotation file loaded into a dict. Raises: ValueError: A ``ValueError`` will be raised if the primitive cannot be found. """ primitive = _load(name, get_primitives_paths()) if primitive is None: raise ValueError("Unknown primitive: {}".format(name)) return primitive
[docs]def load_pipeline(name): """Locate and load the pipeline JSON annotation. All the pipeline paths will be scanned to find a JSON file with the given name, and as soon as a JSON with the given name is found it is returned. Args: name (str): Path to a JSON file or name of the JSON to look for withouth the ``.json`` extension. Returns: dict: The content of the JSON annotation file loaded into a dict. Raises: ValueError: A ``ValueError`` will be raised if the pipeline cannot be found. """ pipeline = _load(name, get_pipelines_paths()) if pipeline is None: raise ValueError("Unknown pipeline: {}".format(name)) return pipeline
def _search_annotations(base_path, pattern, parts=None): """Search for annotations within the given path. If the indicated path has subfolders, search recursively within them. If a pattern is given, return only the annotations whose name matches the pattern. Args: base_path (str): path to the folder to be searched for annotations. pattern (str): Regular expression to search in the annotation names. parts (list): Optional. List containing the parent folders that are also part of the annotation name. Used during recursion to be able to build the final annotation name before returning it. Returns: dict: dictionary containing paths as keys and annotation names as values. """ pattern = re.compile(pattern) annotations = dict() parts = parts or list() if os.path.exists(base_path): for name in os.listdir(base_path): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, name)) if os.path.isdir(path): annotations.update(_search_annotations(path, pattern, parts + [name])) elif path not in annotations: name = '.'.join(parts + [name]) if and name.endswith('.json'): annotations[path] = name[:-5] return annotations def _match(annotation, key, values): """Check if the anotation has the key and it matches any of the values. If the given key is not found but it contains dots, split by the dots and consider each part a sublevel in the annotation. If the key value within the annotation is a list or a dict, check whether any of the given values is contained within it instead of checking for equality. Args: annotation (dict): Dictionary annotation. key (str): Key to search within the annoation. It can contain dots to separated nested subdictionary levels within the annotation. values (object or list): Value or list of values to search for. Returns: bool: whether there is a match or not. """ if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] if key not in annotation: if '.' in key: name, key = key.split('.', 1) part = annotation.get(name) or dict() return _match(part, key, values) else: return False annotation_value = annotation[key] for value in values: if isinstance(annotation_value, (list, dict)): return value in annotation_value elif annotation_value == value: return True return False def _find_annotations(paths, loader, pattern, filters): """Find matching annotations within the given paths. Math annotations by both name pattern and filters. Args: paths (list): List of paths to search annotations in. loader (callable): Function to use to load the annotation contents. pattern (str): Pattern to match against the annotation name. filters (dict): Dictionary containing key/value filters. Returns: list: names of the matching annotations. """ annotations = dict() for base_path in paths: annotations.update(_search_annotations(base_path, pattern)) matching = list() for name in sorted(annotations.values()): annotation = loader(name) for key, value in filters.items(): if not _match(annotation, key, value): break else: matching.append(name) return matching
[docs]def find_primitives(pattern='', filters=None): """Find primitives by name and filters. If a patter is given, only the primitives whose name matches the pattern will be returned. If filters are given, they should be a dictionary containing key/value filters that will have to be matched within the primitive annotation for it to be included in the results. If the given key is not found but it contains dots, split by the dots and consider each part a sublevel in the annotation. If the key value within the annotation is a list or a dict, check whether any of the given values is contained within it instead of checking for equality. Args: pattern (str): Regular expression to match agains the primitive names. filters (dict): Dictionary containing the filters to apply over the matchin primitives. Returns: list: Names of the matching primitives. """ filters = filters or dict() return _find_annotations(get_primitives_paths(), load_primitive, pattern, filters)
[docs]def find_pipelines(pattern='', filters=None): """Find pipelines by name and filters. If a patter is given, only the pipelines whose name matches the pattern will be returned. If filters are given, they should be a dictionary containing key/value filters that will have to be matched within the pipeline annotation for it to be included in the results. If the given key is not found but it contains dots, split by the dots and consider each part a sublevel in the annotation. If the key value within the annotation is a list or a dict, check whether any of the given values is contained within it instead of checking for equality. Args: pattern (str): Regular expression to match agains the pipeline names. filters (dict): Dictionary containing the filters to apply over the matchin pipelines. Returns: list: Names of the matching pipelines. """ filters = filters or dict() return _find_annotations(get_pipelines_paths(), load_pipeline, pattern, filters)