Source code for mlprimitives.candidates.timeseries.cyclegan

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from functools import partial

import keras
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
from keras import backend as K
from keras.layers import Input, Layer
from keras.models import Model
from scipy import integrate, stats

from mlprimitives.adapters.keras import build_layer
from mlprimitives.utils import import_object

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RandomWeightedAverage(Layer): def __init__(self, batch_size): super().__init__() self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): alpha = tf.random_uniform((self.batch_size, 1, 1, 1)) return (alpha * inputs[0]) + ((1 - alpha) * inputs[1])
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): return input_shape[0]
[docs]class CycleGAN(): """CycleGAN class""" def _build_model(self, hyperparameters, layers, input_shape): x = Input(shape=input_shape) model = keras.models.Sequential() for layer in layers: built_layer = build_layer(layer, hyperparameters) model.add(built_layer) return Model(x, model(x)) def _wasserstein_loss(self, y_true, y_pred): return K.mean(y_true * y_pred) def _gradient_penalty_loss(self, y_true, y_pred, averaged_samples): gradients = K.gradients(y_pred, averaged_samples)[0] gradients_sqr = K.square(gradients) gradients_sqr_sum = K.sum(gradients_sqr, axis=np.arange(1, len(gradients_sqr.shape))) gradient_l2_norm = K.sqrt(gradients_sqr_sum) gradient_penalty = K.square(1 - gradient_l2_norm) return K.mean(gradient_penalty) def __init__(self, shape, encoder_input_shape, generator_input_shape, critic_x_input_shape, critic_z_input_shape, layers_encoder, layers_generator, layers_critic_x, layers_critic_z, optimizer, learning_rate=0.0005, epochs=2000, latent_dim=20, batch_size=64, iterations_critic=5, **hyperparameters): """Initialize the ARIMA object. Args: shape (tuple): Tuple denoting the shape of an input sample. encoder_input_shape (tuple): Shape of encoder input. generator_input_shape (tuple): Shape of generator input. critic_x_input_shape (tuple): Shape of critic_x input. critic_z_input_shape (tuple): Shape of critic_z input. layers_encoder (list): List containing layers of encoder. layers_generator (list): List containing layers of generator. layers_critic_x (list): List containing layers of critic_x. layers_critic_z (list): List containing layers of critic_z. optimizer (str): String denoting the keras optimizer. learning_rate (float): Optional. Float denoting the learning rate of the optimizer. Default 0.005. epochs (int): Optional. Integer denoting the number of epochs. Default 2000. latent_dim (int): Optional. Integer denoting dimension of latent space. Default 20. batch_size (int): Integer denoting the batch size. Default 64. iterations_critic (int): Optional. Integer denoting the number of critic training steps per one Generator/Encoder training step. Default 5. hyperparameters (dictionary): Optional. Dictionary containing any additional inputs. """ self.shape = shape self.latent_dim = latent_dim self.batch_size = batch_size self.iterations_critic = iterations_critic self.epochs = epochs self.hyperparameters = hyperparameters self.encoder_input_shape = encoder_input_shape self.generator_input_shape = generator_input_shape self.critic_x_input_shape = critic_x_input_shape self.critic_z_input_shape = critic_z_input_shape self.layers_encoder, self.layers_generator = layers_encoder, layers_generator self.layers_critic_x, self.layers_critic_z = layers_critic_x, layers_critic_z self.optimizer = import_object(optimizer)(learning_rate) def _build_cyclegan(self, **kwargs): hyperparameters = self.hyperparameters.copy() hyperparameters.update(kwargs) self.encoder = self._build_model(hyperparameters, self.layers_encoder, self.encoder_input_shape) self.generator = self._build_model(hyperparameters, self.layers_generator, self.generator_input_shape) self.critic_x = self._build_model(hyperparameters, self.layers_critic_x, self.critic_x_input_shape) self.critic_z = self._build_model(hyperparameters, self.layers_critic_z, self.critic_z_input_shape) self.generator.trainable = False self.encoder.trainable = False z = Input(shape=(self.latent_dim, 1)) x = Input(shape=self.shape) x_ = self.generator(z) z_ = self.encoder(x) fake_x = self.critic_x(x_) valid_x = self.critic_x(x) interpolated_x = RandomWeightedAverage(self.batch_size)([x, x_]) validity_interpolated_x = self.critic_x(interpolated_x) partial_gp_loss_x = partial(self._gradient_penalty_loss, averaged_samples=interpolated_x) partial_gp_loss_x.__name__ = 'gradient_penalty' self.critic_x_model = Model(inputs=[x, z], outputs=[valid_x, fake_x, validity_interpolated_x]) self.critic_x_model.compile(loss=[self._wasserstein_loss, self._wasserstein_loss, partial_gp_loss_x], optimizer=self.optimizer, loss_weights=[1, 1, 5]) fake_z = self.critic_z(z_) valid_z = self.critic_z(z) interpolated_z = RandomWeightedAverage(self.batch_size)([z, z_]) validity_interpolated_z = self.critic_z(interpolated_z) partial_gp_loss_z = partial(self._gradient_penalty_loss, averaged_samples=interpolated_z) partial_gp_loss_z.__name__ = 'gradient_penalty' self.critic_z_model = Model(inputs=[x, z], outputs=[valid_z, fake_z, validity_interpolated_z]) self.critic_z_model.compile(loss=[self._wasserstein_loss, self._wasserstein_loss, partial_gp_loss_z], optimizer=self.optimizer, loss_weights=[1, 1, 10]) self.critic_x.trainable = False self.critic_z.trainable = False self.generator.trainable = True self.encoder.trainable = True z_gen = Input(shape=(self.latent_dim, 1)) x_gen_ = self.generator(z_gen) x_gen = Input(shape=self.shape) z_gen_ = self.encoder(x_gen) x_gen_rec = self.generator(z_gen_) fake_gen_x = self.critic_x(x_gen_) fake_gen_z = self.critic_z(z_gen_) self.encoder_generator_model = Model([x_gen, z_gen], [fake_gen_x, fake_gen_z, x_gen_rec]) self.encoder_generator_model.compile(loss=[self._wasserstein_loss, self._wasserstein_loss, 'mse'], optimizer=self.optimizer, loss_weights=[1, 1, 50]) def _fit(self, X): fake = np.ones((self.batch_size, 1)) valid = -np.ones((self.batch_size, 1)) delta = np.ones((self.batch_size, 1)) * 10 for epoch in range(self.epochs): for _ in range(self.iterations_critic): idx = np.random.randint(0, X.shape[0], self.batch_size) x = X[idx] z = np.random.normal(size=(self.batch_size, self.latent_dim, 1)) cx_loss = self.critic_x_model.train_on_batch([x, z], [valid, fake, delta]) cz_loss = self.critic_z_model.train_on_batch([x, z], [valid, fake, delta]) g_loss = self.encoder_generator_model.train_on_batch([x, z], [valid, valid, x]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print('Epoch: {}, [Dx loss: {}] [Dz loss: {}] [G loss: {}]'.format( epoch, cx_loss, cz_loss, g_loss))
[docs] def fit(self, X, **kwargs): """Fit the CycleGAN. Args: X (ndarray): N-dimensional array containing the input training sequences for the model. """ self._build_cyclegan(**kwargs) X = X.reshape((-1, self.shape[0], 1)) self._fit(X)
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Predict values using the initialized object. Args: X (ndarray): N-dimensional array containing the input sequences for the model. Returns: typle: ndarray: N-dimensional array containing the reconstructions for each input sequence. ndarray: N-dimensional array containing the critic scores for each input sequence. """ X = X.reshape((-1, self.shape[0], 1)) z_ = self.encoder.predict(X) y_hat = self.generator.predict(z_) critic = self.critic_x.predict(X) return y_hat, critic
[docs]def score_anomalies(y, y_hat, critic, score_window=10, smooth_window=200): """Compute an array of anomaly scores. Anomaly scores are calculated using a combination of reconstruction error and critic score. Args: y (ndarray): Ground truth. y_hat (ndarray): Predicted values. Each timestamp has multiple predictions. critic (ndarray): Critic score. Each timestamp has multiple critic scores. score_window (int): Optional. Size of the window over which the scores are calculated. If not given, 10 is used. smooth_window (int): Optional. Size of window over which smoothing is applied. If not given, 200 is used. Returns: ndarray: Array of anomaly scores. """ true = [item[0] for item in y.reshape((y.shape[0], -1))] for item in y[-1][1:]: true.extend(item) critic_extended = list() for c in critic: critic_extended = critic_extended + np.repeat(c, y_hat.shape[1]).tolist() predictions = [] critic_kde_max = [] pred_length = y_hat.shape[1] num_errors = y_hat.shape[1] + (y_hat.shape[0] - 1) y_hat = np.asarray(y_hat) critic_extended = np.asarray(critic_extended).reshape((-1, y_hat.shape[1])) for i in range(num_errors): intermediate = [] critic_intermediate = [] for j in range(max(0, i - num_errors + pred_length), min(i + 1, pred_length)): intermediate.append(y_hat[i - j, j]) critic_intermediate.append(critic_extended[i - j, j]) if intermediate: predictions.append(np.median(np.asarray(intermediate))) if len(critic_intermediate) > 1: discr_intermediate = np.asarray(critic_intermediate) try: critic_kde_max.append(discr_intermediate[np.argmax( stats.gaussian_kde(discr_intermediate)(critic_intermediate))]) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: critic_kde_max.append(np.median(discr_intermediate)) else: critic_kde_max.append(np.median(np.asarray(critic_intermediate))) predictions = np.asarray(predictions) score_window_min = score_window // 2 pd_true = pd.Series(np.asarray(true).flatten()) pd_pred = pd.Series(np.asarray(predictions).flatten()) score_measure_true = pd_true.rolling(score_window, center=True, min_periods=score_window_min)\ .apply(integrate.trapz) score_measure_pred = pd_pred.rolling(score_window, center=True, min_periods=score_window_min)\ .apply(integrate.trapz) scores = abs(score_measure_true - score_measure_pred) scores_smoothed = pd.Series(scores).rolling(smooth_window, center=True, min_periods=smooth_window // 2, win_type='triang').mean().values z_score_scores = stats.zscore(scores_smoothed) z_score_scores_clip = np.clip(z_score_scores, a_min=0, a_max=None) + 1 critic_kde_max = np.asarray(critic_kde_max) l_quantile = np.quantile(critic_kde_max, 0.25) u_quantile = np.quantile(critic_kde_max, 0.75) in_range = np.logical_and(critic_kde_max >= l_quantile, critic_kde_max <= u_quantile) critic_mean = np.mean(critic_kde_max[in_range]) critic_std = np.std(critic_kde_max) z_score_critic = np.absolute((np.asarray(critic_kde_max) - critic_mean) / critic_std) + 1 z_score_critic = pd.Series(z_score_critic).rolling( 100, center=True, min_periods=50).mean().values return np.multiply(z_score_scores_clip, z_score_critic)